1) Access the following url: http://tools.cisco.com/GlobalLearningLocator/LLocatorHome.do Choose the technology or certification for which you need training
2) Choose the Learning Partner listed that is presenting the training.
3) In order to register for a class, you will need the Cisco Sales Order number associated with your Learning Credits, and the number of Learning Credits needed for the class. If you don’t have enough L ea r n i n g C r ed i t s in your account to take the class, you can either purchase more Learning Credits or pay the difference with a PO or Credit Card to the Learning Partner. Discuss this with Learning Partner. Example, if the class would require 30 Learning Credits to register and the customer only has 28, then most Learning Partners will allow you to pay cash / PO for the US $200 difference.
4) After the course starts, the Learning Credits will be debited from the customer’s account.
5) The Team Captain at the customer can track their credits – 24×7 – using the Learning Credit Management Tool (www.cisco.com/go/lcmt) to report on who has taken training, when it was taken and the balance in their account.
As a reminder, Cisco Learning Credits can be redeemed for Training (Classroom, Virtual, Web), Advanced Services Education, Cisco Technical Education and registration to Cisco Live Events. Most of the training can be found on the Cisco website. However our Authorized Learning Partners can also offer additional training – found only on their respective websites. Authorized Learning Partners can also offer customized training to meet the specific needs of the customer.
Additional Information and Resources
Global Learning Locator – www.cisco.com/go/clplocator
Cisco Technical Education – www.cisco.com/go/cte
Advanced Services Education – www.cisco.com/go/ase
Cisco Live – www.ciscolive.com
Cisco Learning Credits – www.cisco.com/go/learningcredits
All Learning Creidts support requests and inquires must go through the Case Support Tool at: http://ciscocert.force.com/english. First time users will be required to set up a profile before they can submit their case. This will be a simple, brief one-time only task.
For any issue or help with opening a case online, please call 1-800-553-6387 (US/Canada) Choose Option “4” then “1” for the Certification & Communities Support Team.
For international customers, please click on the link below. http://www.cisco.com/web/siteassets/contacts/international.html#~tab-d,?reloaded=true Select your Country under the Regional Certification Support Phone Numbers.
For phone options, please select option “4” then “1” for the Certification & Communities Support team.