Lobo Cisco – Social Selling – Is cold Calling Dead?


“While I may not be connecting with every client on LinkedIn and Twitter, there are two clear benefits to reaching out via social.” – Anthony Lobosco 


Is COLD CALLING DEAD?No, but there are so many other ways to reach clients with relevant information. Instead of slamming my customers with emails about local events, product webinars, and Cisco resources, I’ve created a one-stop online spot for my customers to get Cisco related updates and information. The answer is my customer facing tumblr blog. This blog simplifies Cisco messaging, and gives me the ability to create targeted email campaigns by including links to relevant content. It’s a great way to be proactive with clients and avoiding getting on a junk mail list. By sending my blog, it gives me a reason to reach out via phone, rather than out of nowhere, and I can discuss the email I just sent. I make sure to have a wide range of topics to discuss with various audiences, check out my topics page to see what I mean.


Here’s my secret social sauce:
Cisco Social Digest Hootsuite.Watch this 4 minute video on how I amplify my messaging. 

The net-net. Cisco provides a ton of content, and will deliver it to your inbox. Hootsuite is a extra simple way to amplify this content. The combination will make you an instant social seller.

Once you get started, it’s the easiest and more rewarding thing you’ll do all week.

As the front line of Cisco Systems, we should be leading the industry with social selling!  

Let me also tell you why Social Selling works. While I may not be connected with every client on LinkedIn and Twitter, there are two clear benefits to reaching out via social
1. Invite clients to connect – it’s less aggressive and I’m more likely to get a platform to talk to them, instead of email or phone.
2. It increases my thought leadership and relevance to the folks I am connected to (partners, clients, former clients etc.)
The best part – this creates a ripple effect where my messaging can reach people I didn’t directly intend to.I have a few other tips to share with you, check out “Social – the Lobosco way” on the right.

Anthony Lobosco,
East Territory Account Manager
​#CiscoRocks #anthlobo
Twitter: @anthlobo
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthonylobosco

Copy. Customize. Share.
When it comes to ‪#‎security‬, people are often times the weakest link. Read on as Cisco CEO John Chambers discusses a new approach to security in the wake of ‪#‎InternetOfEverything‬http://cs.co/9007IBK3​ Business: 
From road decongestion to workplace efficiency, Wim Elfrink shares how the #InternetOfEverything can make the last traffic jam and business jam a reality: http://cs.co/wm20


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